Following is an outline of the traditional program of the study of ballet. It can be applied to other dance forms as well. If this program is pursued aggressively it can produce an entry level, professional dancer by the time the student becomes 19 or 20 years old. This course of study is detailed in the PRE-PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM. It is included here to give everybody a road map. Everyone who studies dance will move along this path. How far you get is a matter of personal choice and commitment.
The ages and grades indicated are approximate. Each student will progress at their own rate. One does not advance a level by getting older, but by mastering more advanced levels of technique in the begining and artistry & technique in the upper levels. The indicated ages and grades are targets. You can begin dance training at any age. To become a professional it is recommended that training begin as early as possible, ideally 1st grade.
As the student matures, physically and mentally the program accelerates. For most children younger than 8 years old, one core class per week is the normal course of study. At around 8 years old, a child is ready to increase to 2 or 3, the number of core classes per week... and so on. Older students can learn the basics at a faster rate.